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    The  next  option in the SYSTEM menu is the SYSTEM LOG  FILE
    NAME.  RemoteAccess  logs all user activity in detail  to  a
    human-readable  text  file.  {+} When  running in registered
    mode, RemoteAccess logs additional information about message
    and file area  activity.Set the  name of  the log  file   to
    point to your system directory, for example C:\RA\RA.LOG.

    Next,  select  the logging format that most suits you;  Opus
    mode contains more information, including the line number in
    a  multi-line  system.  The FrontDoor format  is  much  more

    If you are installing RemoteAccess on a multi-line site (ie.
    you  are going to be running more than one line),  you  MUST
    set  the  MULTI  LINE  option  to "Yes".  This enables extra
    file/message  checking  routines to ensure that  a  conflict
    between  two lines accessing the same data never arises.  If
    you are running only one line,  setting this option to "Off"
    will  disable this checking and significantly increases  the
    system's operating speed.

    The  ENVIRONMENT option refers to the type of  multi-tasking
    system  that you will be running RemoteAccess under.  If set
    to "Auto-detect", RemoteAccess will attempt to determine the
    multitasker   in   use   when   it   fires   up.   On   some
    hardware/software  configurations  it  may not  be  able  to
    correctly detect it's environment. To overcome this, you can
    force  RemoteAccess to "assume" that it is running  under  a
    specific  multitasker.  Environments currently supported are
    DoubleDOS,  DESQview, TopView, MultiLink, PC-MOS/386 and the
    "standard" AT BIOS. RemoteAccess will time-slice, or give up
    CPU time, to other tasks when it is waiting for a call or at
    a  prompt.  The  result  is  a  significant  overall  system
    performance improvement.

    To avoid screen "burn in" on the "waiting for call" display,
    set  the SCREEN BLANKER to  the number of  seconds you would
    like the  display to remain visible after the last activity.
    This is a {+} registered only option.

    After  RemoteAccess displays a  system message,  the default
    action is to  wait for  one second before  returning to  the
    current  menu. You may alter this wait period by setting the
    AFTER  SYSTEM  MESSAGES  option  to the  desired  number  of
    seconds.  There is one  special exception;  if you  set this
    field  to  zero,  instead  of  waiting  for  a  few seconds,
    RemoteAccess  will prompt the user to press the Enter key to

    The  INTERACTIVE EMSI option simply allows  you to enable or
    disable RemoteAccess'  IEMSI  capabilities. IEMSI  is  fully
    explained in  the  reference  section at  the  end  of  this

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson